Wednesday, September 25, 2013

With a Little Help from My Friends

I am surrounded by amazing people. 

My friend and…I don’t know the right word…hairstylist? Mckenzie helped me learn how to curl my hair with a straightener this afternoon so that it could be curly for the ward talent show tonight.  She is so sweet! 

My friend Carly recorded a video of us performing, which was too sweet of her.

My mom sent us a package of Halloween goodies!  Yay!  Thanks so much, Mom!  She also helped me pick out my outfit for the talent show late last night when she was ready for bed.  What an awesome mom J

Peter came back home today after dropping me off and washed dishes, got the laundry pretty much done, and folded two loads of it within an hour before his first class.  Thanks so much, love!  You rock!

I love all you awesome people!  Thanks so much for everything.

Unfortunately, I had done a self-portrait before this video was taken, and I forgot to flip the camera back around or show Carly how to flip it.  Then my phone ran out of memory right in the middle of us singing, so we only got a short clip!  Oh, well.

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