Sunday, September 29, 2013

Date Night!

Friday, I told Peter I wanted to go on a date.  I wanted to do something "fall-ish" and then just come home and cuddle at home on the couch and watch a movie!  So, we decided to drive up the canyon and see if the leaves were starting to change yet.  As we started up the canyon, we were a little worried that the leaves hadn't changed yet, but as we got up farther we began to see more color!

Oh, and we decided we were going to wear sweats and be
comfy  for our date instead of dressing up and getting fancy.

On our way up, Peter says, "Remind me to show you the bright orange
flowers over there." So on our way back to stop and take a picture :)

After coming back down the canyon, we drove around a bit trying to figure out what to eat.  Finally we decided to get take out Chinese from the restaurant in the gas station across the street from our house.  It was pretty good.  We also got a couple movies from Redbox.  It was actually really fun to just sit in our living room in our sweatpants, eating Chinese and watching movies.  I think it's one of my favorite dates :)

We watched Now You See Me, which we really, really enjoyed.  We also watched Oz, the Great and Powerful, which kind of paled in comparison, but was still good.  I fell asleep for a few moments in the middle haha.

Saturday, Peter played softball, and I studied.  I also attempted to make french toast sticks, which turned out okay.  Last night, I went to the Relief Society General Broadcast, and got to eat dinner with girls from my ward beforehand.  It was really good (both the food and the broadcast!)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

With a Little Help from My Friends

I am surrounded by amazing people. 

My friend and…I don’t know the right word…hairstylist? Mckenzie helped me learn how to curl my hair with a straightener this afternoon so that it could be curly for the ward talent show tonight.  She is so sweet! 

My friend Carly recorded a video of us performing, which was too sweet of her.

My mom sent us a package of Halloween goodies!  Yay!  Thanks so much, Mom!  She also helped me pick out my outfit for the talent show late last night when she was ready for bed.  What an awesome mom J

Peter came back home today after dropping me off and washed dishes, got the laundry pretty much done, and folded two loads of it within an hour before his first class.  Thanks so much, love!  You rock!

I love all you awesome people!  Thanks so much for everything.

Unfortunately, I had done a self-portrait before this video was taken, and I forgot to flip the camera back around or show Carly how to flip it.  Then my phone ran out of memory right in the middle of us singing, so we only got a short clip!  Oh, well.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

If You Moustache...

Last weekend, my sister came up to go see Peter and the Starcatchers with us.  The Festival was giving half-price tickets to those who came in wearing moustaches (the funniest character in the play is "The Black Stache"), so we made one.  My sister actually drew it free-hand on an index card and cut it out.  It turned out to be pretty epic, so of course we all had to try it on.

I am now beginning to understand why everyone seems to be obsessed with moustaches.  Everything is funnier with a moustache.

A Week in the Life of a Systematic Songbird Fall 2013

I realized that I mainly talk about the weekends, which is silly because we also have fun during the week!  Last Sunday our friends Alex and Malinda invited us over for dinner, and we enjoyed chatting with them for quite a while.  

Monday night, we had family home evening with an ever-growing circle of married (and dating) friends.  This week, we hosted, another couple had the spiritual thought (those are always so good at our FHE's--our friends are just awesome like that), and two other couples each brought a dessert (also delicious--our friends are good!).  Tomorrow night it's our turn to bring a dessert, so I'm going to make Hello Dolly!  If you don't know what that is, it is layers of chocolate, pecans, and sweetened condensed milk on top of a graham cracker crust--yum!

I don't remember anything exciting happening Tuesday, except that I was late to class (not even going there--too stressful!) and I took an online test that evening. 

Wednesday, I went to Computer Club for the first time (yay!).  We tested this set of 3D googles that are made for video game playing.  They were pretty cool, but they gave me a little bit of a headache.  Peter was able to go to PBL, which is Phi Beta Lambda or Professional Business Leaders.  They discussed what businesses they are going to visit this year, but I don't know if they decided on any.

Thursday was LONG.

But then it was Friday!!!  We went to a friend's house on Friday and played Werewolf, which is really fun.  We also played "the couch game," in which you gather enough chairs for everyone in the group plus one.  Then, you divide into two teams and put everybody's name in a hat.  Each person draws out a name and that becomes their new name.  The point of the game is to get four people from you team on a designated couch.  This is done in the following manner: the person who can put their right hand in the empty chair calls the name of someone in the group.  The person who drew that name out of the hat moves and sits in the empty chair.  This continues until four people from the same team are sitting on the couch.  It was really fun, and I actually feel like I would maybe remember people's names, although I might get them mixed up!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Labour day and football

 Peter's folks came down for Labor Day weekend.  Friday we went out to eat at a new Mexican restaurant in town.  It was tasty.  Then Peter's mom and I went to see King John at the festival, which I enjoyed rather more than I thought I would, seen as how it is one of Shakespeare's histories.  

Saturday, we got up and went about our various forms of exercise then had a big breakfast at Paul and Kylee's house.  The afternoon was spent watching the BYU football game on tv.  I fell asleep during the electric storm delay and slept for a couple of hours.  Then I attempted to complete my reading homework for Tuesday.  We ordered Jimmy Johns, and finished the evening by seeing Peter and the Starcatchers at the festival.  That show is awesome.  From the title, it sounds like it would be a serious play, but it is hilarious.  At one point I was laughing so hard, I was crying.  It is essentially the story of how Peter Pan and all the characters in Neverland came to be.  The character called "The Black 'Stache," who eventually becomes Captain Hook, steals the show completely.

Monday we went to a fair in a little town not too far away.

A picture of the fair
This was carved out of wood.  The guy in the
background is the carver, and he uses
a chainsaw!
Mandatory self portrait
(still trying to figure out how to do these with my
phone so they don't come out blurry)

So, Paul and Kylee wanted to see the animals at the fair.  Well, these were the only animals we could find, so I guess they'll have to do :)

This is a BIG snake

I petted this turtle! (After Peter showed me where the hand sanitizer was, that is)

On our way back we went over the mountain and stopped to take some pictures

Another self-portrait, but this one much less blurry cuz we were able to use
voice commands

This was supposedly Dixie Forest, but I didn't really see enough trees to
qualify this as a forest--maybe I'm judging by Carolina standards ;)
(There were a few more trees later on, but this was right after the sign and I
thought it was rather humorous lol)
The following weekend, we went to SUU's first home football game of the season.  There are only like 6 of them this year! We kicked trash at this game, too.  49-0

Aren't we so cute in our matching Game Day shirts?
(I know, you can't really see the shirts, but they are matching! lol)
CC's mountains are so pretty!