Friday, October 30, 2009

Studio and other Random Stuff

I am way tired! Lol. We (the troubadours) took a field trip today to South Carolina ETV Studio and were filmed singing "O, Danny Boy". It was really cool. I recognized some of the things they were doing from my Studio Production Class! They did three takes, and afterwards, me and a couple others were interviewed. They asked us for the name of our local newspaper, so I think our answers may be put in the paper! We went to Fudruckers beforehand, and I'll post some pictures in the next day or two.
Last Friday, I had a couple friends over, and we watched Animaniacs, played card games, listened to music, and just had fun together! It was really fun. Then Saturday, Kira and I went to the Renaissance Festival, which was pretty fun. We got designs painted on our arms! Again, I'll post those pictures later.
I got my ring yesterday!!! It is so pretty! I love it.

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