Friday, October 30, 2009

SAT Scores

Oh, I forgot to mention in my last post, but I got a 1440 on the SAT! I am so excited! What's really cool is that I got an 800 on the critical reading, which is the highest you can get! Sweet!!!

Studio and other Random Stuff

I am way tired! Lol. We (the troubadours) took a field trip today to South Carolina ETV Studio and were filmed singing "O, Danny Boy". It was really cool. I recognized some of the things they were doing from my Studio Production Class! They did three takes, and afterwards, me and a couple others were interviewed. They asked us for the name of our local newspaper, so I think our answers may be put in the paper! We went to Fudruckers beforehand, and I'll post some pictures in the next day or two.
Last Friday, I had a couple friends over, and we watched Animaniacs, played card games, listened to music, and just had fun together! It was really fun. Then Saturday, Kira and I went to the Renaissance Festival, which was pretty fun. We got designs painted on our arms! Again, I'll post those pictures later.
I got my ring yesterday!!! It is so pretty! I love it.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Many Things

Man, I'm a little behind on my blogging! So I have some good news and some bad news, and some fun news!
Last week, my AP classes went to the Renaissance Festival, which was totally cool...especially since it was rainy! We did get pretty cold, but it was fun. I got new rain boots for it, which was good because it was muddy! And while I was there I had a bread bowl with broccli and cheese soup; it was sooooo good!
Staying warm!

Playing with an there's a big surprise! :)
Jousting! Sweet!
Riding the elephant!
So that's the good/fun news. The bad news is, the Danny Boy solo I tried out for, I didn't get. I was really disappointed. But, that's okay. Gotta move on.
The other good/fun news is that today is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a good day at school; everybody was wishing me a happy birthday. Tonight mom, dad and I went to Pineville and got dinner...and I got a really pretty ring! It's still getting sized, but I'm really excited.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


This week was Homecoming at my school, so we had a spirit week, which was kind of fun. I'm over the committee that planned the pep rally, and one or two of the girls on the committee worked really hard. It was a fairly decent pep rally. We had a couple games, some class competition. The biggest thing is it could have been smoother and the junior and senior classes have very little spirit.
I invited a friend to the Homecoming game, and we hung out afterward, which was pretty fun. Then I got up on Saturday and took the SAT again. It seemed easy, so I'm crossing my fingers, hoping that my math score went up.Matt and Vanessa also came up on Saturday, and we had fun with them.
Tomorrow, I don't have any school! Then, Thursday, my AP classes are going to the Renaissance Festival!!!!! It is going to be so fun! I can't wait.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I'm so happy! It's October, and it's starting to really feel like fall! I love this time of year! I get to start wearing pants and jackets again, sleep with windows open, and eat warm foods! The weather is absolutely beautiful!
My classes are going fairly well. A week from Thursday, my AP classes are going to the Renaissance Festival! The next day, we'll have a debate in history, which will be fun. In Studio Production, I'll have to do my show on November 20, right before Thanksgiving, and then after Thanksgiving, I'll have the Troubadour Concert!
This week is spirit week, so I'll be dressing up all week. Tomorrow is western day. Then, I've been planing a pep rally for Friday, so I hope that goes well.
I got to work yesterday and earn some more money. It was actually pretty fun. We were at a band competition, so I saw a couple of my friends, and we were fairly busy, so I didn't get too bored.
This weekend was also General Conference, and it was really good. I really enjoyed it.