Friday, July 26, 2013

You've Got a Friend in Me, and I've Got One in You <3

This evening, Peter and I went to visit one of my very best friends from my church Youth group when I was in high school.  I had so much fun visiting with her, her hubby, her sweet little boy, and her cute dog!  It was kinda funny.  She and I spoke on the phone this afternoon to arrange the time and everything, and the conversation was kind of stiff.  She texted me after and said she had been distracted because her drink had spilled.  I haven't seen her in a very long time, except for the few moments we visited with her at my wedding reception (she very sweetly missed a family gathering to be there, and I'm so glad!), so I was a little (very slightly) concerned we wouldn't have much to talk about this evening.  How silly of me!  We continued texting for a bit this afternoon, and when Peter and I got there, we talked about anything and everything.  It was so much fun.  We caught up on what we and our husbands were doing; we also talked about how fast her little siblings were growing up (crazy!), about pets, about kids, about school and work, sleeping habits, whatever!  She also showed me her cute jungle nursery, which she had painted herself!  Talking with her made me remember being in youth, going to dances, going to her house, and having her over.  We had so much fun back then!  One crazy thing about life: you don't always realize how much fun you're having during any given period of your life until you look back on it and realize all the fun you had.  We did some reminiscing but intermixed it with talking about our current lives.  I really, really enjoyed talking with her, sharing her and her family with my husband, and sharing him with them.  She texted me after we left and told me how much fun she had had visiting with us, too, and I was glad she had enjoyed it as much as I did.  She is one of those people who has always made me feel loved, and she has touched my life more than I think she knows.  Love you, girl!

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