Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break 2013, San Antonio, Texas!

For Spring Break, Peter and I went to San Antonio to visit my brother and his family.  We had soooo much fun!  We left Friday afternoon around 5pm and drove to Kingman.  Our original plan had been to go through  Flagstaff, but they had horrible weather that night, so those plans changed rather suddenly.  Saturday we wanted to drive all the way to San Antonio, but ended up stopping in Fort Stockton, thinking that might be the safer option.  

Heading out of Cedar City: beautiful mountains!

We had to take a picture of this sign because we are T-Birds, woot woot!  I don't even remember where this was...

We finally reached our destination Sunday morning, a couple of hours before church, which we joined Matt and Vanessa for.  Peter taught Elder's Quorum and I helped Vanessa with Sharing Time in Primary.

Monday, we mainly visited with Vanessa in the morning.  We took a nap that afternoon, then headed downtown.  We bought super cute salt and pepper shakers at the market, took the river boat tour, and had dinner on the River Walk.  We did a little meandering, then got some ice cream.  It was an awesome date!  Here are our pictures on the River Walk.

Tuesday, we went to Six Flags!  The roller coasters were fun, but the lines were loooonnnng!  It was Spring Break in San Antonio, too, so all the school kids and teenagers were there with us.  However, I did introduce Peter to funnel cake, and we got some dippin' dots, which were yummy!

We decided to pass time in one of the lines by taking some random pictures. 

The rest of the week we spent visiting with Matt and Vanessa.  We didn't take any more pictures (I know, totally lame!), but we had a lot of fun.  Vanessa and I did some shopping Wednesday, when we found NOTHING, that is, until we went to Walmart.  Yes.  Walmart had a pair of cute blue pants when everywhere else we had looked (kohls, target, gap, TJ Max, Ross, etc) had zilch, zip, nada.  

Thursday, Vanessa got a friend to watch JT for us, and the four adults went to play laser tag, which I had never done before.  We had a blast!  It was so much fun!  Also on Thursday, Peter took me back downtown because I had seen a shirt I liked at the mall on the River Walk.  At first we couldn't find it, and I was really bummed, but then we found it and another shirt, which was great!

Friday, Vanessa and I went out on another shopping venture, this time to Charming Charlie.  Oh, I could spend so much money in that store! However, I limited myself to one set of earrings (3 pair) and one necklace.  I started out with a kind of neutral colored necklace, but after I got it home and decided I wish I had gotten a different one, Vanessa kindly switched them out for me so that I have a blue necklace and blue earrings that match my blue pants perfectly!  That night, Peter and I watched JT while Matt and Vanessa went to the Temple.  After they got home, we all watched Rise of the Guardians which is completely adorable.  Matt and Vanessa ordered it after we gushed about it and then gave us the DVD that came with their blue-ray.  Thanks so much!

Needless to say, the drive home was much longer than the drive out, but we split it up better this time.  We had lots of fun on Spring Break--we just wish it had been longer!  

Here are a couple videos I got of Peter playing with his new nephew--too cute!

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