Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Lake District II - England Part Four

Thursday 19 May 2016

One of the things I told Peter I really wanted to do was a hike in the Lake District.  So we looked one up Wednesday night and got up early Thursday morning to do it.

Goslings are so cute!

We saw these huge black slugs all over!

There were sheep on either side of some of paths we took, and there would be gates set up in various places that we had to close behind us.

This is one of those passing places I was telling you about earlier - do you see how much (or how little) space they give you? I don't even think that's 3 feet.

After our hike, we went back to our B&B to get breakfast.  Then we headed down to Bowness-on-Windermere.  We were able to get on a boat that went up to Ambleside and back.  This was another tender mercy moment.  While we were waiting for the boat, I needed to go to the bathroom, but by the time I got back there were no good seats left, so we decided to wait for the next one.  We wandered Bowness a bit, and when we came back for the next boat, we discovered it was cooler than the boat we were originally going to get on, and we got seats on top at the front.

This let me get better pictures, but it was quite cold and windy, so we went inside.

They sold hot chocolate inside, which helped warm us up.

Our Boat, The Swan

After we got off the boat, I tried my first fish and chips!  Yum!  Peter doesn't like seafood, so he got more pasties.

A Pretty Church in Bowness that contains George Washington's family coat of arms.

Next we took a ferry across the Mere so we could go to Beatrix Potter's house.

It was cute, but I'm not sure going inside was really worth it.

Peter, bless his heart, as tired as he was, drove me all the way out to this house that was supposed to have an awesome view.  I'm sure the view would have been excellent, if it hadn't been so foggy.

We decided not to pay to go in the house and grounds, and instead went back to Ambleside.  We'd made reservations at a restaurant called Lucy's on a Plate that my coworker had told me about.  They print their menus every day, and they include a little newslater.  They included our names in the newsletter, but unfortunately I'd just said my name and asked for a table for two, so they didn't know to put us down as a couple and just said "the Jessica twosome".  I felt a little silly for not saying something like "my husband Peter and I..." since I knew they did this little menu thing.  But it was a cute place.  Peter's food was okay, but mine was very good.  And this is where I got to try sticky toffee pudding - it was HEAVENLY. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful country. Loos like a combinations of Mt Dessert Island, Maine; Oregon; and the Appalachians. I guess it mostly looks like the Lake District of England!!! :-)
