Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Lake District I - England Part Three


18 May 


We got up fairly early on Wednesday and took a scenic route (suggested to us by the kindly neighbor) through Lake District over to Windermere.  This drive was gorgeous.

 So be prepared for a ton of pictures.

There were a lot of lambs the whole time we were in England, and they were super cute!

We saw a neat staircase cut into the side of this hill.

We were on a single-lane, two-way road, and these "passing place"s gave you maybe 3ft extra to let cars around you.  They were tiny.

We were told we should look for Ashness Bridge, so we stopped there to take some pictures.  While there, we saw there was a short climb up to surprise point.  We started hiking it, but I was worried because we hadn't paid to leave our car parked long enough, so Peter went back and got the car so I wouldn't have to worry (he's sweet like that).

I let Peter carry the camera to Ashness Bridge - hence all the random pictures of me.

On Ashness Bridge

These were lambs I saw on the way up to Surprise Point.

At the top of Surprise Point I was able to send pictures to our families because I suddenly randomly had data.

The View from Surprise Point

Next we stopped in Keswick (pronounced Kessick), which was a cute little town Peter remembered liking from His mission.

We got Cornish Pasties here, which tasted AMAZING.  They were one of my favorite foods of the whole trip.  They are like portable shepherds pies - basically savory pastries filled with gravy, meat, and veggies.

We wandered Keswick for a bit and did some shopping; then we drove on into Windermere.  This was our B&B, the Hilton House.

 We weren't able to check in immediately, so we wandered into town.  We were a little surprised - we didn't feel like Windermere was as cute as Keswick.  

Our room once we checked in was lovely, although the wifi was rubbish.

I was restless, so we went back up to Ambleside and wandered around a park near the Mere.  It had some ruins from a Roman Fort there, which was rather interesting.

I took so many pictures I split the Lake District into two posts.

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