Thursday, December 31, 2015

December PhotoDump: First Two Weeks

This is going to be a quick photo dump so I can get to the really fun stuff.  First few days of December, we got our Christmas tree!

We have these really awesome windows on the front of our house, so we put it right in this little rounded area so the lights could be seen from outside when we opened the shades. 

The first Friday in December was Peter's office Christmas party (I've never been to one of those before!  Are we actually adults now...?)  So of course I had to dress up all cute. 

Saturday I made Peter go shopping with me.  We found all this cute matchy-matchy stuff at the dollar store!  It started with the paper plates, cups, and the hand towel.  Then we saw the little serving tray, and even some mugs that all had the same cute little snow man on them!  Peter was shocked and amazed and I was delighted! 

We also stopped and got Peter a haircut at a little barbershop near our house that's probably been around a long time.  We timed it perfectly - we walked in and he said he had time for one right after the customer he was working on.  While we were there another walk-in showed up and there were no more free slots!  

We filled a picture frame Mom had gotten for us a couple months ago.  
Aren't we cute??

And we decorated our tree!  
I actually did a time lapse of us decorating that I might add if I'm not feeling lazy later. 

Sunday we had the opportunity to attend the baby blessing for some of our dear friends from Cedar City.  Their cute home was crowded with all the people who love their new little addition!

The next week I had a devotional downtown for work (in place of an office party - I guess that's what happens when you work for the Church haha).  I snapped this photo of the Temple on my phone as I walked by.  Not too shabby for not being able to see my phone's screen. 

Saturday we went to Sam's club to prepare for my family who would be coming the next week, and I saw this jeep in the parking lot.  I couldn't not take a picture!

We also went over to Peter's parents' house to help them get decorated and to help Rex finish up his chocolates.  Yum!  The big guys helped the little guys put the star on top of the tree. 

Monday was a snow-day adventure I won't soon forget.  It snowed pretty hard the night before and the plows were all behind on their routes.  As a result, they had not plowed our road yet when I attempted to drive in to work.  Yes, I said attempted.  I got stuck 3 times within 2 miles of my house!  After the first time I decided to loop around and come back home to work from there.  I was really grateful for a job which I can do remotely when necessary! 

It was very Christmas-y to look up and see this while I was working! 

The snow kept falling lightly all that day, and it got super deep! Especially to this Carolina girl!

That evening, we built a ramp to make sled down the hill in our backyard using Paul and Kylee's tube. 

Getting festive at the office!

My coworker got these signs for us for Christmas!  Isn't it nice? Each one said something different based on the person it was for.

Our Christmas tree all lit up with presents underneath waiting to be opened!

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