Sunday, June 16, 2013

Strawberries! Yum!

I know I said I would be better about blogging this summer...obviously that hasn't happened.  Anyway, the first of June, we finally got to go strawberry picking!  We got two baskets full.  They were very yummy.

Since then, Peter and I have both started working.  Peter is helping a carpenter build decks.  I am nannying for the family I mentioned in my last post, and I will start the internship on Tuesday.  I will be keeping busy this summer between those two things and the class that I'm taking.  I'm also still doing some make up work for my TA position from this past semester at school.  Aaaaah! I really hope to still have some play time.
The girl I'm nannying loves loves loves nail polish, so I will be having awesome nails this summer.  I'll have to take some pictures and post them.

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