Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Break 2012!

 Hello!  I know it's been forever since I posted on here.  I have been doing more posting on facebook recently.  However, I thought I would update you on my Spring Break!  For Christmas, my mom got me two tickets (one for me and one for my boyfriend Peter) to come home for Spring Break.  We did, and it was so much fun!  We drove to Vegas Friday night with my cousin, then flew all day Saturday to get to SC.  Peter and I sang a duet in my ward (because mom asked us to) on Sunday.  Monday, we went shopping with my mom.  Tuesday we stayed around the house so I could get a little bit of homework done.  Wednesday, we went to a few stores, visited my mom at school, and had a picnic in Glen Cairn Gardens.  We got Chick-Fil-A, and ate it in the park, then sat there and read our books the whole afternoon in the beautiful weather!  It was great, and so relaxing!  Then Thursday, we went to Charleston.  I think this was my favorite day!  We wandered around the market area, went to the water front park and sat on the swing, went out to eat at the Noisy Oyster (who had delicious shrimp, though Peter would disagree--he doesn't like seafood haha), and then went to the beach.  We even got out and swam in the water, though I thought it was a little chilly.  It was wonderful, though.  So much fun!  Friday, we packed up and drove up through the Smokey Mountains on our way to Georgia, where we visited with my mom's side of the family.  Saturday, we just sort of chilled in Athens before driving to Atlanta airport, from which we flew back to Vegas.  Spring break was much too short! 
When asked about my family, Peter says they are funny and sarcastic.  He says I'm like my mother, and even my grandmother, and likes to tell this story as proof.  We were getting ready to go to breakfast on Saturday morning, and Bambutter was puttering around.  PawPaw says, "She always takes a while to get out of the house."  My dad gives my mom a look, and Peter gives me the same look, and simultaneously, mom smacks dad, and I smack Peter.  It was pretty funny.

(Btw, we did not take enough pictures during break.  We need to work on that.)

Peter and Me in Glen Cairn Gardens.

Peter in front of the Pineapple fountain in Water Front Park.

Pretty mountains on the drive from Vegas to Cedar.

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