Thursday, December 24, 2009

There's Only One More Sleep 'Til Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Tonight is Christmas Eve! Right now I'm watching A Muppet Christmas Carol! My sister is here, and my brother and his wife will be here later tonight. We'll read the Nativity story from the Bible and open our pajamas! I love Christmas!

Last Friday, I had a little party with some of my friends from school. We ate supper, had a little gift exchange, played games, and made and decorated cookies! It was really fun!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oh, Christmas Tree...

We got our Christmas tree decorations up last week! We bought our tree Monday night, and Friday I finally had all the lights on it, and we decorated! Friday night I also went to see The Blind Side with my friends; it was really good!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Troubadours, Two Claps!!!!!!

This last week was concert week, and it was awesome! We had rehearsals Monday and Tuesday nights, and concerts Wednesday and Thursday nights. The Wednesday night concert was not nearly as good as Thursday night. Wednesday, we were still trying to figure out exactly where we were supposed to be when, and some people were still working on concert etiquette. But Thursday night was amazing. It was so much fun. I had a blast, and I felt so good. I really enjoyed it. I'm really glad because it was my very last winter Troubadour concert, and I know I'm going to miss it so much next year. I have always loved concert week, since I was little and going to my older siblings rehearsals I enjoyed them. I'm so glad I was able to participate in Troubadours, and I loved our concert this year. It's hard to believe it was my last winter concert week. I had a blast, though. Go Troubs!!!!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

I'm Thankful!!!!

So a week ago, I had an award breakfast to go to because I was chosen as Student of the Year for Northwestern! That was cool. Then I had to race over and do my Studio Production Show, which turned out pretty well. We didn't get to do everything I wanted because of time, but what we got I think was good.
This week, we only had two days of school, because the rest of the week has been Thanksgiving break!!! In my third block class on Tuesday, we got to play wii and eat cheesecake! It was so fun. Then we had Thanksgiving yesterday, and the food was delicious! I love my grandmother's dressing--it is definately the best on the planet! Today I'm just chillin' at my grandmother's house. My mom and Aunt went shopping. I've got some homework to do and some essays I have to write for my BYU college application, and then hopefully tonight some of us will go see New Moon! I don't want Thanksgiving break to end!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This Week

I've got a big week ahead of me. A college visit on Wednesday (for an excused absence from school!) and my Studio Production Show on Friday! Tierney and I are going to be singing. Wish us luck! I can't wait for Thanksgiving next week! Mmmmm!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Friday, October 30, the Troubadours took a trip to Columbia to record O, Danny Boy for a PBS Special!

Before singin, we stopped to eat at Fuddruckers!!!!!
And the food was sooooo good!

The Adults discussed serious topics over lunch.

How cute!

These two are crazy!

What is she talking about??

What a cute couple! (JK)

Is she spitting in her cup?

Heading back to the bus!

Group picture! I love my Troubadours!

Seniors ROCK!!!

My girls!!!!!

He looks a little scary!

Circle of Seniors!

Mr. B directs our warm-up/rehearsal!

Us singing on set!