Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Jackson Hole Vacation - Part 2


Saturday morning, we got up, checked out of our hotel, and went to The Bunnery for breakfast.  The breakfast itself was so-so (we both got quiche - the texture was good, but it needed a little more flavor), but the pastries were quite yummy!  Peter got a cinnamon twist, and I got a sticky bun.

Then it was time to go horseback riding!
I took a few pictures of Peter mounting his horse.

Peter rode Swig
Peter took these pictures during the trail ride. 

Selfie skills!

This is what we saw almost the whole time we were riding
My horse's name was Pete!
It was a beautiful ride.  The weather was lovely, the scenery was gorgeous.  I kept having to urge Pete into a trot to get him to keep up, haha.  I realized, though, it's been much too long since I've been on a horse.  I had a hard time finding my seat at first, especially when trotting.  We did get to do a little bit of cantering, too, which was fun.

Check-in at the bed and breakfast wasn't until 4pm (although she told us we could call at 3 and see if they were ready for us), so we had quite a bit of time to kill.  Our ride had ended at about 11:30am.  We dropped by Jackson again to grab a snack and to replace the water 'resevoir' for Peter's backpack, then headed up to Teton Village.  By this point, Peter was ready for a break, but I was still itching to go and do.  So he waited down in the village, reading his book, while I took the tram up to the top of Rendevouz Mountain!

The Grand Teton Mountain

Next we ate lunch at Teton Thai, which had actually been suggested by Scooter, our River Guide.  It was good Thai food.

By the time we were done, our room at the Bed and Breakfast was ready!
We stayed at the Wildflower Inn, in the Glacier Lily, two-room suite, and it was so lovely!

The Outside of the Wildflower Inn

The Sitting Room
The Bedroom
Our private back deck (ooh! fancy!)
After we got settled in at the Wildflower, we had our very first couple's massage.  It was the first massage either of us had ever had, in fact.  Between the suite and the massage, I tell you what, we felt so pampered!  We got our massage at the Rustic Inn.  We both thought it was a little strange at first, but once the massage started, it wasn't weird at all.  And I have never felt so relaxed in my life as I did after that massage.  The relaxed feeling lasted all evening.

After the massage, we went back to our room, and took our time showering and getting dressed for the evening.  We wanted someplace quiet for dinner.  We decided to go to the Pizza Artisan for dinner.  It was perfect for our moods.  They played quiet, classy music, and had pizza and pasta.  Peter got a pizza, and I created my own pasta.  Both were quite good.

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