Sunday, June 22, 2014

Monkeying Around on Memorial Day

Memorial Day, Peter and I both had the day off, so we took a trip to the zoo!  It was nice to have a break from working to get out together and have fun.

Of course, I had to take a picture of the lions!

Cute little tail wrapped around the bars.

This little monkey kept swinging right up to the glass to hang right here.  Then we would go back and be twitty, pestering the other monkeys.  You could almost hear the other monkeys fussing at him, "Stop it, Jimmy.  Jimmy, if you don't stop that, I'm gonna take you out!"

I don't have any pictures, but we timed our stop by the seals and sea lions well.  We overheard that a show was about to start, so we waited a bit, and got to see them do some tricks!  

Selfies!  The easiest way to get pictures of both of us :)

Somebody saw us taking the selfie above, so they offered to take our picture! :)

We had to wait in line for a while, but we got to see a bird show!

We bought a magnet with this elephant on it :)

After the zoo, we went over to Peter's Aunt's house for a BBQ with some family.  There were hot dogs, burgers, watermelon, and cookies.  Unfortunately, their pool cover was broken so they couldn't get it open, so we couldn't swim.  However, Peter did play with some nephews and cousins in the hot tub while I sat out of the way, reading.  Oh, and taking videos of him with the kids, of course :P

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