Sunday, June 26, 2011


Here are some pictures from my adventures over the past little while! First, my Easter dress:

These are some highlights from the Zoo trip with the W.I.S.E. program.

Wallabies--so cute!

He is kind of hard to see, but this baby baboon was precious!

Of course, I had to put up the picture of the lion!

We went in where they let you feed the birds. We didn't feed them, but a couple of them landed on us anyway!

This crocadile was creepy!

This bear seemed young, and he's pretty skinny, but he's kind of cute.

So we were standing there, watching the gorilla, and there were a couple of kids standing at the glass. Suddenly, he runs straight at the glass where the little kids were standing! It was freaky!

Here are some pictures of our trip with the REM program. We saw some beautiful waterfalls!

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