Friday, April 18, 2014

April: Conference, Sunshine, and Other Delights

Wow, this month is going by really fast.  I have a lot to catch up on.  The General Women's meeting was the Saturday after Skills USA, and Kira came up, so we watched it together.  It was really good.  You could really feel the Spirit when Sister Wixom asked all the girls aged 8, 9, 10, and 11 to stand and sing the first verse of "Teach Me to Walk in the Light" and then had the rest of the ladies respond.  This really helped me feel closer to all the sisters in attendance, united in our desire to learn of God.
President Eyring asked daughters to smile at their mothers
if they were sitting next to them; we decided to send our
mom our smiles.

The following weekend was General Conference!  Peter and I were able to attend the Sunday Morning Session at the Conference Center.  We also got to visit with Peter's parents and see the progress his dad has been making on the basement of their new house.  We decided to drive up Saturday morning, so we ended up listening to the first session of Conference on the radio in the car.  I really enjoyed Elder Holland's talk.  I stayed awake through all the sessions of conference, except during the Sunday Morning session when I dozed off during Elder Bednar's talk.  I kept awake during the other sessions by working on a cross stitch project I got just for Conference!  It actually really helped.  

Saturday afternoon, Peter helped his dad with the basement some more.  While the menfolk were at Priesthood Session, Peter's mom and I went to dinner and then to Sam's Club for a little grocery shopping.  Saturday night we got to visit with our friends Ben and Missy (and they got to meet Peter's parents) at Leatherby's where we ate delicious ice cream (and caramel sauce!).  
Working on the basement

Outside the Conference Center

Temple after Conference

My cross stitch project!

The Friday after Conference, we got our car fixed!  Yay!  Good as new!

That week, the weather was beautiful here!  Saturday I just had to get out and about, so we went to the park and ate a Subway picnic lunch.  I read my book for a while.  Peter decided to get the kite out.  He asked me to help him get it up in the air, but when I saw that he had other assistance, I stayed in my seat:

The Kite actually attracted a fair amount of attention from others who were also out in the sunshine!  It was kind of funny.  A little girl came over with her daddy to watch, too.  Then I took over the kite flying, and couple on bikes with one of those bike strollers stopped and pointed the kite out to the kids inside the stroller.

Later that evening, our friend had a bbq birthday party, which I was able to attend, but while Peter dropped in, he had to go to a concert (he told me not to come because he thought the music was boring).  Then we ended up at the local frozen yogurt place.  They have these chalkboards for customers to draw on, and we saw this one hanging up while we were eating:

Shortly thereafter, a little boy came over and added this one:

We thought that was pretty cute, so being obsessed with Frozen as we are, and also happening to have an artist among our group, we decided to contribute a couple more:

We thought ourselves pretty clever ;)

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