Saturday, March 22, 2014

The (Mis)Adventures of Spring Break Part 2

We went to church with my brother and his family on Sunday, then spent the afternoon visiting and relaxing with them.

J wanted to show me how he makes N laugh :)

 Cute nephews in their pjs!

Monday, I went to Target and a few other stores with Vanessa (my sister-in-law) and her sister. We didn't really end up buying much, though.  We went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch (yum, yum!) and brought some back for Peter.  We stayed home most of the afternoon, taking naps and visiting with family.  We did our best to spend time with my brother's family because we don't get to see them very often.  

Doing movements to the book V is reading

Talking to dad through the roof!

Peter was entertaining all the kids outside the ball pit.  They thought he was hilarious trying to juggle.

Monday night, I managed to catch a stomach bug, so I spent most of Tuesday on the couch.  Wednesday, Peter and I finally went out and about together.  First, we stopped at Bucky's gas station, which is HUGE!  It's definitely Texas-sized.  We then continued on to a little town called Gruene and did some window shopping, but my stomach was feeling very gassy and I never felt like eating.  Poor Peter was really hungry by the time we were on our way back.  So after we got back to Matt and Vanessa's house, we decided to go back to Gruene so that we could eat at the Grismill--one of my brother's favorite restaurants that Peter had never eaten at before.  We were glad that we did.

Pictures with Bucky!

N thought Uncle Peter was pretty cool.

At the Gristmill
Have to take selfies if we want a picture of both of us

Our view out the window of the Gristmill to the river.  

Thursday, we went downtown and ate on the Riverwalk, then went to see Wicked.  It was only Peter's second time seeing it, and we really enjoyed it.  We had to sit separately because we bought our tickets late, but we both ended up sitting in areas where we were allowed access to a private lounge area.  I was actually in a box seat!  Peter was sitting on the balcony towards the front middle.  We felt very fancy.
Theater where we saw Wicked
 The inside of the theater was so pretty!

Thursday night, we got to do what we had really wanted to do on this trip: spend a couple of hours just chatting with Matt and Vanessa.  We had visited a little the other evenings, but we hadn't planned our time very well and Matt has to get up early, so he goes to bed early.

Friday morning, I didn't really want to leave.  I think I dragged packing out longer than strictly necessary, but we finally left around noon.  Our trip back was much less adventurous than our journey out, but poor Peter finally got the stomach bug on Friday night/Saturday.

Playing around while getting the air out of the air mattress!

I also realized I had taken lots of pictures of Peter with his nephews, but had gotten none with them myself!  So, we took some before leaving Friday morning.

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