Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Valentine's Day and Other Events

(This was supposed to be posted last week.  Oops...)

Well, I was right about one thing.  I do have more to write about this week.
For Valentine’s Day, Peter got me this extremely lovely bouquet and the second book in a series I’ve started reading.

We got all dolled up, went out to eat, and went to our stake’s Sweetheart’s Dance.  You can't really see it in this picture, but this is my Senior Prom dress, which I love.  I feel so pretty and elegant when I wear it. If truth be told, though, it was feeling a little tight.  Oh, no! 

I love getting dressed up, and eating out with our fancy clothes on was fun.  We had high expectations for the dance, though, and were somewhat disappointed.  Last year we had a ton of fun at the dance, but this year, not so much.  We came home kind of bummed, so in the morning, Peter decided to make up for it.  He had planned on making me breakfast in bed Friday morning, but forgot to get up early enough (lol), so he made it for me Saturday! 

(He used our heart-shaped waffle maker—aww!)

Then we went up north to see Peter’s parents.  They had just bought a new house and were very excited to show it to us.  It’s very nice.  They were still trying to sell their old house while we were there, but they sold it the afternoon after we left. 
We also got to visit Peter’s Grandma who went into the hospital with a stroke a few weeks ago.  She’s doing well.   She is in rehab, and she walked all the way to dinner while we were there!  We left the in-laws’ place on Monday (it was President’s Day, and we didn’t have school), stopping by Target for a little shopping and Café Zupa’s for lunch before heading back down here.

This week has been a little crazy.  I guess weeks where you have Mondays off tend to be a little on the crazy side.  Amazing what one day does, huh?
Thursday, Grandpa came to town, so we met him as well as my cousin and her fiancé at my Great Uncle's house and went to dinner with all of them.  We hadn't been to see my aunt and uncle probably in nearly a year, despite the fact that we've been back in town since August.  Terrible, I know.  We really enjoyed our visit, though.  I had a really good conversation with my aunt about family history work.
Friday, we went with our friends Adam and Carly to see the Lego Movie.  It was pretty cute, although I think the others enjoyed it more than I did.  We came back to our house and played games, visited, and had dinner.  Peter made an Indian curry that was very good.

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