Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Back to School

Well, we have finished our first week of the Spring smeseter.  Peter is excited because he is going to have a much easier semester than this past fall, and I think I will have a somewhat easier semester, also.  Last semester we were both taking 18 credits and working two jobs.  It was pretty busy.  We’re both still working two jobs, but we have less than 18 credits this semester, especially Peter.

Classes seem like they’ll be mostly enjoyable, with maybe one or two exceptions.  I’m excited to be learning mobile app development, even if we are focusing on iOS devices :P.  Since Android uses java, Dr. B says the learning curve isn’t as big, making iOS more important for us to learn in class.  Dr. B is employing the “flipped classroom” method of teaching for this class, since a teacher of iOS (Objective-C) at another university who used to work for Apple has put all of his lectures for a similar class on iTunesU.  We are charged with watching lectures at home, taking notes and a short (open lecture) quiz on them, and then coming to class prepared to discuss or follow along as Dr. B helps us actually do some coding.  Should be interesting.

My Operating Systems class is a strange combination of students that I know.  Some of them are younger ones I TA’ed for last semester, and others are ones that have been in many of my classes and are at about my same level.  Almost too many people to talk to; half the time I can’t decide whose conversation to join!  It’s fun, though J

I have a new lab to TA in that is much smaller and is also a private lab, so I can prop the door when I’m working so students can come in and ask for help or leave it closed when I’m off the clock.  It’s nice and quiet.

I have also started eating lunch with some other CSIS students.  I just sort of randomly sat with a friend named Randy the other day, and then like 3 other CSIS students joined us!  When I said something about never having eaten lunch with CS students before, they were like, ‘yeah, we ended up doing this last semester’.  They must have enjoyed it cuz they’re doing it again this semester!  I like it because it helps me not be deprived of socialization when I spend all of my day in class and working.
Peter and I are both taking the Doctrines of the Gospel Institute class, although we’re taking it at different times (he’s taking it at 11am while I’m working, and I’m taking it at 1pm when he’s working).  I’m quite enjoying it.

So, that’s the first week of school!  One down, just a few more to go! ;)

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