Sunday, February 14, 2016

January + February Photo Dump

Wow I can't believe we're already halfway through February 2016!  This year seems like it might go by just as fast as last year.  This won't be an involved post - just a few pictures.  I haven't taken very many this year, though.

I have like no pictures from the beginning of January.  We had a New Year's Day party, but I did not feel well that day, so I didn't really take any pictures of our friends who came to party with us. 

 Towards the end of the month, we had our first show at Hale Center Theatre - Beau Jest.  It's the story of a Jewish girl who hires an escort to play her made-up Jewish boyfriend.  It was incredibly funny and  a lot of fun.  We took a selfie before the show started.

This is one of the scriptures I've been "ponderizing" lately.  I love the message that the Lord will lead us throughout our lives towards the promised land if we keep His commandments and that we will know He is in control.  It is a great comfort to know He is guiding my steps.

On the Sunday of the Superbowl, Peter and I dressed to support our teams.  
Me, the Carolina Panthers (of course!), and Peter, the Denver Broncos.

I also made blue Carolina Panther snickerdoodles to share with his family (who are mostly Broncos fans, although one or two of them support the correct team). 

 Dressed in our teams colors that evening for the game.

This week, Peter sent me flowers at work for Valentine's day!  He even remembered that calla lillies were my favorite flower from our wedding! 

Last night, Peter took me on a surprise Valentine's Date to the Utah Symphony, who was doing a 75 Year Celebration of Broadway with guest vocalists.  It was really fun.  Our two favorite numbers were "Defying Gravity" from Wicked and "Music of the Night" from The Phantom of the Opera.  Morgan James sang "Defying Gravity", and she definitely had the power for that number.  Peter said he got goosebumps.  Hugh Panero, the singer who performed "Music of the Night" had played the Phantom on Broadway for 2500 performances!  When he started that song, we knew why.  It was gorgeous.