Sunday, February 17, 2013

Me and My Fella

These are just some of my favorite pictures of Peter and me.  The weather was just perfect for pictures.

 Peter helping me put on my cape (which was awesome!!!!)
I believe this picture was taken by either my sister or my dad; it turned out very well!

(one of my favs!)

I really really like all four of these, too.

This is one of Peter's favorites.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

We're Married!!!!!!

Well, I probably should have been blogging before now, but I just haven't had time.  So here are a bunch of pictures from the wedding!  I'm not going to go in the order the pictures were taken in; instead I'm kind of grouping them by type of picture.  We had a photogropher, plus both my dad and my sister took pictures, so there are a lot of pictures. I may do this in a couple of different posts :)

Coming out of the temple: 

 The group who was there for the sealing: 
(though a few of them were outside because they were too young or they were watching the ones who were too young)

My extended family that was there: 

Family pictures!

 Parents of the Bride and Groom 

 Me and my Daddy

Me and the best mother a girl could ask for.

Peter and his mom: 

Peter and his dad: 

My lovely bridesmaids!

Now add some groomsmen:

I thought this picture was really cool.

 And, of course, we had to do some goofy pictures!

I love Chaura and Kira's expressions here, but the guys are slacking on the goofiness!

Now just the groomsmen.

These are some sharp-looking fellas!

Then they made off with the girls' flowers...

Peter and his brothers :)

Matt's going to beat Peter up for marrying his little sister without his permission.


 The Turek Kids
 I love these next two pictures because they remind me of pictures we have of the three of us as we were growing up.  It seems like we always stood in this same order for pictures :)

But I also love the 3 additions to the family!

The Burnett Clan:

I don't know this group quite as well yet, but I've enjoyed getting to know them so far, and I'm excited to continue spending time with them!

New sisters(in-law)!

 We're actually missing one from these shots--Jonathan is on his mission in the Phillipines.  But don't worry, we include him in a little while.

I was so excited Grandpa brought Chaura out with him so she could be one of my bridesmaids!  She was around from the very beginning of my relationship with Peter, so it was very fitting that she could be there for the wedding.

We wanted some pictures of me with all of my nephews.

Unfortunately, one of them hurt his hand right before we went to take this set of pictures.  He wasn't too happy.  Peter tried to give him a band aid, but he was still upset :(

Peter was finally able to get him to calm down a little. 

And we got a smile out of him :)

 A little sugar for the little boy :)

Some of my cousins on my mom's side came too!  (I think she's leaning over like that because the photographer was crouched down lol)

While we were taking all these pictures, this what everyone was doing whenever they weren't in a picture!

Two of my little nephews who had never met before everyone came out for the wedding were playing peek-a-boo!  It was the cutest thing ever!

Like I said, lots of pictures.  Stay tuned for more to come!