Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jazz Concert at Come See Me!

Last Sunday we went to Glencairn Garden to watch my friend play in a jazz combo in the Come See Me Festival. Although he would say otherwise, they sounded really good. He plays really well.

"Don't Rain On My Parade"

I sang in the Come See Me Festival Broadway Night on Thursday! Here's a video!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


During spring break mom and I cleaned out the closets and organized them, but then on Thursday my friends and I went to Carrowinds!

This is the newest ride at Carrowinds: The Intimidator! It was soooooo much fun!
This is us before we rode Night Hawk. We stood in line for half an hour, and then when we got up there, our friend came back to work and locked us in. At first he didn't get one of us locked in! But they caught it.

Unfortunately, by the time the ride actually started, it was raining, and we got soaked! I don't know if you can tell, but this is after we rode NightHawk. We were cold and wet!
The very first ride we rode, we got stuck in the seats after it stopped for several minutes.
Then, after we ate lunch at Wendy's, we got locked out of the car! We had to wait for someone to bring us an extra key! It was rather humorous. It was a fun day.

Troubadour State Competition

We didn't do too well at state, but that's okay. Trouveres got a superior, and Troubadours got an excellent. Here are some pictures from the bus.