Saturday, October 11, 2014

Picture Review!

Since I haven't blogged for like 2 months, I thought I'd catch you up with the pictures I took.

Came back to school and saw the Green Show!

 Pretty flowers on campus!

Fall cleaning! 
Does it still look like this?  I'll never tell...

Helped my cousin move.  Her dog is a cutie!

 Worked on my cross stitching project during General Conference!

Got a new shirt for my birthday!

 My hubby brought me flowers!

 Got to visit with Grandpa :)

Last Summer Adventure!

So, this happened back at the end of August, and I'm just now posting it...

One Thursday (since that's the day Peter has off from work) we had a little adventure with his family!

First, we went  with Paul and Kylee to the Temple, which was lovely, as it always is.

Then, Peter had gotten some free tickets to a local water park, so we invited Paul and Kylee, and Jonathon and Shawnee to join us; Peter's dad volunteered to come to watch Paul and Kylee's baby so they could have more freedom.
They were going to race, but Peter got a little overeager...
This ride was steep!  I only rode it once.
You had to have a special board to ride down on.

It was loads of fun!