Saturday, October 11, 2014

Picture Review!

Since I haven't blogged for like 2 months, I thought I'd catch you up with the pictures I took.

Came back to school and saw the Green Show!

 Pretty flowers on campus!

Fall cleaning! 
Does it still look like this?  I'll never tell...

Helped my cousin move.  Her dog is a cutie!

 Worked on my cross stitching project during General Conference!

Got a new shirt for my birthday!

 My hubby brought me flowers!

 Got to visit with Grandpa :)

Last Summer Adventure!

So, this happened back at the end of August, and I'm just now posting it...

One Thursday (since that's the day Peter has off from work) we had a little adventure with his family!

First, we went  with Paul and Kylee to the Temple, which was lovely, as it always is.

Then, Peter had gotten some free tickets to a local water park, so we invited Paul and Kylee, and Jonathon and Shawnee to join us; Peter's dad volunteered to come to watch Paul and Kylee's baby so they could have more freedom.
They were going to race, but Peter got a little overeager...
This ride was steep!  I only rode it once.
You had to have a special board to ride down on.

It was loads of fun!

Friday, August 15, 2014

A Week in Carolina

Last week, I went to visit my parents in South Carolina.  It was so nice to hang out with them, go shopping with my mom, and feel like I actually had a bit of a summer break.  I flew in late Wednesday night.  Thursday, I slept in, then Mom and I went to run a few errands.  We grabbed some lunch at McCallisters, then picked up fresh peaches and black berries from a local farmer's stand.  I had requested a meal of squash, lima beans, and black eyed peas, so we also got fresh squash and tomatoes.  As per my request, we also got pedicures.  While we were doing that, Mom decided she wanted a manicure, and got me one, too!

Our Pedi's!

My yummy vegetable dinner!

Friday, Mom and I went shopping.  Of course, we didn't take any pictures, but we found some cute clothes!  Saturday, all three of us drove to Georgia to visit my Grandparents, Aunt and Uncle.  We had  a really good visit with my Aunt Kacky, then had lunch at Olive Garden.  Bambudder (as we call my Grandmother) had gone to the hospital Friday night, so they met us at Olive Garden after she got to check out (she's doing fine).  After, we went Bambudder's house to visit for a little bit before heading back.  I wanted to be in church on Sunday to see everyone from the ward.  I got to see a couple of my high school buddies there.  I even cheated a little and went to the Young Single Adult class, which consisted of about six people.  Even without a teacher we had a really good discussion about Job.

Bambudder and Me
 At the restaurant:

Monday, Mom and I had Krispy Kreme Donuts for breakfast.  Yum!  On our way over and as we got back, it was raining like crazy!  I tried to capture the rain in these pictures.

One of our cats has been having stomach problems, so we took him to the vet.  While we were waiting for the vet, Demon wanted to find somewhere to hide.

 We did some more shopping on Monday, and that evening we went to one of my SC restaurant requests: Genghis Grill, a Mongolian grill. It was Mom's birthday, so it was also for her birthday celebration.

Tuesday, Mom and I stayed at the house and watched movies, then Wednesday Mom had to go back to work, and I had to pack.  I did get to say hello to some of my teachers and Mom's coworkers that I'm friends with, which was also fun.  By the time I left, I was ready to see my husband, but at the same time, the visit with my parents was too short.  I'll have to go visit again, soon :)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Summer Wedding

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding.  As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I have mainly been to weddings that are held in our Temples, where we don't have the typical ceremony with bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower-girls and ring bearers.  So this was a new and perhaps unique experience for me to participate in a wedding ceremony as a bridesmaid.  It was really fun!  She was a beautiful bride, and I was grateful to be included in the ceremony.  The wedding was in the groom's parents' backyard, and the groom's father, who is a Bishop in the LDS church, performed the ceremony.  Listening to the words he gave to the couple, I was touched with the feeling that marriage between a man and a woman, when both parties enter it willingly, is sacred to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, no matter where the ceremony is held.  I am grateful to be sealed and married to my kind husband, and I'm so glad my cousin has found a man to love and be loved by.  
Congratulations, pretty lady!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Fourth of July and the Stadium of Fire

Independence Day morning, everybody came to hang out at Peter's parents house.  Games were played, soccer world cup was watched, and food was eaten.

Taking a nap together in their red, white and blue!
I told Peter towards the beginning of the summer that I wanted to go to a concert because I'd never been to one before.  We both heard earlier during the week of the 4th of July that Carrie Underwood was coming to the Stadium of Fire--a yearly Independence Day celebration at BYU stadium, so we decided to get tickets.  I was so excited!  I love Carrie Underwood.
Selfie in the Stadium
This celebration included all sorts of stuff. They had these cute little dancers from various dance companies dressed as cowgirls.  
Forming the Liberty Bell

Doing a Cowgirl dance!
They had skydivers with various flags.

Trampoline acrobats dressed as superheros.  They were pretty awesome and got some crazy height!

And then there was the Carrie Underwood concert.  I knew almost every song she sang, and it was awesome!  We were pretty far away, so we couldn't really see her see her, but it was just cool to hear her sing her songs live.  She sounds just like she does on the CD! (which actually is saying something what with autotune and such)

I made this one bigger so you can look really close for her.

Of course, it wouldn't be a 4th of July celebration without some fireworks!

In the middle of the fireworks they had a song.  The dancers had been given glow sticks and were sitting on lines drawn on the grass so that they formed the Statue of Liberty!

Our 4th of July went out with a bang!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Taylorsville Days

When I got off the plane from my trip to Kansas City, I went with my in-laws to the last evening of Taylorsville Days.  It's like a city fair/summer festival thing, with rides, fair food, concerts, and fireworks.  Unfortunately, Peter was working so he couldn't come.

Kylie and I rode a fun spinny ride.

Julie and Kylie convinced me to go on the Ferris wheel.  I discovered once I got on it was a bit higher than I thought it was. The seats kind of rocked, which made me nervous, too.  Julie actually took most of these pictures.

If you look real close, you can see Rex and Paul down there on the ground in the shade.

The seats were only big enough for two, so Kylie had to ride behind us. 

Enjoying our yummy fair food on the blanket.

They had a parasailing team do a little show.

Fireworks show!

It was a fun evening.