Sunday, September 27, 2009

Baby Shower, College, and Rain

We had a nice trip to Georgia this weekend. We went down for my cousin's baby shower! She got some really cute things. She's due sometime in October, and the baby is a girl.
I need to start applying for colleges really soon. I still don't know where I'm going to go or what I'm going to major in, but that's okay. I've retaken the ACT, and I'm retaking the SAT on October 10.
The Prices called me this Wednesday or Thursday and asked me to work at the football game on Friday, so I agreed. I worked last weekend and gotten some good money! But as soon as I got there it started raining!!! It dumped on us. I loved it, but it wasn't so good for business. They had postponed the game for lightning when I left, but I don't think they ever got to play. Then in Georgia Saturday, it dumped on us! I love rain. I really hope it rains this week here. We need it. And I am so ready for fall temperatures to begin!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another Week

I have had a cold all week, and it really stinks! I had to audition for Encore with my cold, but I still made it, which is good. We have our first rehearsal tomorrow morning. In our Student Council meetings, I finally got a committee. I have to work on planning a pep rally, and I really have no clue what we're going to do. I hope the others in my group have some ideas.
I went to the Temple on Thursday, which was really nice. I'm really glad I was able to go. It's been a while since the last time I went. Then, Friday and Saturday I got to earn some money working for the Price's!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Football, Cake, and Troubadours

This blog is going to kind of go in reverse order, so yeah :)
Friday night I went to the Rock Hill vs. Northwestern football game, and we lost terribly. Our team isn't that great this year. Here's a picture from the game.
Here are a couple marching band pictures. I think my friend Becca is pretty much front and center in this one!

Wednesday night, we learned to decorate cakes. Here's the one Mallory and I did! I think I even made the rose in the middle (we put them in the freezer with everyone's, so I can't be completely certain).

Two Thursday's ago, we had our Troubadour kick-off meeting. Parents attended, and Troubs and Singers sang The National Anthem.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day

I actually had to labor on Labor day! How whack is that?? Mom, Dad, Kira, Matt, and Vanessa went to look at cars, and I had to go to the school and work on an English project. It's a video of Hamlet, and it's very...interesting. But we did get Pete's BBQ--mmmm! Oh, but my DBQ today, did not go very well. Oh,well, wish me luck on my project! It's due Friday.