Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fun Stuff

Well this week in Forensic Science, we processed our first "crime scene". I was evidence collector. I wore latex gloves, gathered the evidence, put it in bags, envelopes, etc, and labeled it. It was hot and sweaty because we were outside, but it was also kinda cool. There are four more jobs I have to do at four more crime scenes.

I also got a new phone yesterday! It's a purple Motorola Rival, and thus far, I love it! I'm so excited!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to School

Well, I started back to school and seminary this past Wednesday. In Seminary this year, we are studying the Book of Mormon, which I think is really cool for my Senior year! It's weird to think that I'm a Senior this year. This semester I'm taking Studio Production (at the ATC), AP Literature and AP European History, Forensic Science, and Troubadours. In Studio Production, we're going to have to produce a show, which will be cool, but I'm still working on what I want to do for my show. Apparently, the ATC has an excellent Studio, so it should be fun working in there. I'm excited about my Forensic Science Class. I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I really like the teacher, too. Oh, and some of our homework is to watch a TV show or movie or read a book with Forensic Science in it. My family has really gotten into NCIS recently, so that should be easy! Cool, huh? I think it'll be a fun semester!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Here we go!

Our Stake had a fireside with Kenneth Cope. He has written and performed many songs, including two that some of my favorites on the 2005 EFY CD, A More Excellent Way: Broken and More. It was an amazing fireside. It was so good! The spirit was really strong. I loved it. I got to shake his hand afterward, which was really cool, too. As we walked down the hall, we heard one girl say, “That was better than a Girls’ Camp Testimony meeting,” which was really funny. And it was; it was better than a Girls’ Camp Testimony meeting.

Anyway, I’ve had a pretty good last full week before school. Tuesday, which was Mom’s birthday, we went out, I got my hair cut, we got our toes done, saw a movie, and did some shopping! It was fun. I got my back-to-school outfit, a really cute dress! Matt and Vanessa came up this weekend. Friday night we went to Sydni’s reception (I can’t believe she’s married!), and I went to Ethan’s birthday party for a bit. Then Saturday, we went to see GI Joe, which was a fun action, comic book movie.

Tuesday, I’ll help at Freshmen orientation, then Wednesday, I’ll go back to seminary and to school. But tomorrow, I plan to fully enjoy my last day of freedom. I’m going to watch a movie and some NCIS, read a little, play a little Wii, and….do the laundry. Okay, so the last one isn’t that fun, but hey, if that’s all I have to do tomorrow, I can deal with that. Well, here comes the school year. My last year of high school (wow that’s weird and cool all at the same time lol). I’m finally a Senior!!! Woot, woot!

Monday, August 10, 2009


This weekend, we went to Georgia to visit Grandbudder and Paw Paw and the Goodwins! We had fun! Today I picked up my books for school :(. I did get to see some friends I haven't seen all summer! Mom has to go back to school Wednesday, and I go back a week from then, so we're gonna have some fun tomorrow!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Home: July 25

Saturday we finally arrived home. I checked the mail and found my AP Test scores. I got a four on both the English and the US History tests!

Nauvoo and Carthage: July 24

Friday we went to Nauvoo and Carthage, Illinois. Outside the Visitor's Center, they had one of the original Sunstones from the Temple.
We walked through some of the groves, and there was a quote from my several-times-great grandfather William Huntington!
The Nauvoo Temple

We visted several of the historical buildings including the post office, the tin smith's, the gun smith's, and several houses. Most people were only able to stay in their house a few months before they were forced to leave.

This was John Taylor's son's rocking horse, and it was his favorite toy. Someone had hand made it for him. When they had to leave Nauvoo, they left it behind because they were only taking the essentials. After they had left, his father found the little boy crying and found out he missed his rocking horse. John Taylor, who was known and wanted by the mobs, snuck back to Nauvoo and retrieved the horse for his son.

The graves of Hyrum, Joseph, and Emma Smith.

Me in front of the Nauvoo Temple

This is a monument depicting Joseph and Hyrum's last ride, leaving Nauvoo for Carthage.

The Heber C. Kimball House

Inside the Heber C. Kimball House

This is the foundation of a house that was on William Huntington's lot. We don't know whether it was his house or not, but still cool.

More of William Huntington's land.

After leaving Nauvoo, we went to Carthage, where Joseph, Hyrum, and others were put in jail. A mob came in and shot John Taylor, Joseph, and Hyrum, killing Joseph and Hyrum. Joseph fell out the window, and when the mob left to see if he was dead, Willard Richards dragged John Taylor from the room and hid him, just in case the mob came back.

Looking out the window where Joseph fell to the ground.

Joseph fell out of the top window, down to where the well is.
Joseph and Hyrum in front of the window where Joseph fell.
Going to Carthage was really cool. I really felt the spirit.